Look down and see the path

The job you do, is it fun?

Does it excite you? Does the day pass like an hour? Does it make you better?
Life doesn’t always give you what you want, it gives what you deserve right now. The work you put in, the hours you spend all gets added up in your results.

These are the thoughts I hear most of the time from inspirational speeches and books. To set your goal and going for it no matter what. Most of them are chasing the prize, what you get at the end of the journey.

Journey‘ makes us who we are. I felt it. I was always the one who thought of the prize. But the change of character that I got without even reaching the end of the journey was fulfilling. Take the journey even if you feel you are not going to make it. And if you do reach the end, Bonus!!

Nothing is out of your league. Someone taught me that. 😉  Just aim high, and be path oriented than being goal oriented, so that in case the road is blocked you can take a detour and reach a new destination. Godspeed!

Let’s recharge!


Extroverts can’t comprehend it and Introverts live by it. It may be considered as the condition of ‘being alone‘ for some, but I consider it to be a recharging time. Away from all the bullshit, the world has to offer and knowing what damage it has done to your mind at the end of the day.

Just 30 minutes of solitude can do wonders to the mind. Away from phones and their notifications, binging series and whatnot. It’s the time when you do not resist your thoughts…letting it all wash down no matter how traumatic it might be. Yes, we have done that, felt that and it sucks. Watch them, learn from them as a third person overviewing them. Next time, when these thoughts pop up, they won’t be of the same intensity and in time we’ll finally accept them as part of us. It is that simple.

That quote which says What we often resist persists is true to every word.
Dwell in solitude. Let go of your mind, you’ll learn much more about yourself than you’ve ever known.

If He Wants to be…

Today, I was just surfing through Quora where users can ask and answer any questions, and there was a question asked by a father on how convince his son not to be an entrepreneur. And the answer was just way too good.

Read answer on @Quora by Gaurav Munjal to How do I convince my 17-year-old-son not to be an entrepreneur? http://qr.ae/disDP

*BEEP* New idea received.

We often go through life, thinking and making up plans to do later.

Why so? When that idea pops up, at that moment, we get a deep gut feeling that it can be done. Ten minutes later it’s a different story. This blog is a break for me from that kind of thinking. I strongly believe that I got something to say out to the world…And so here I am.

Yesterday morning I woke up, and someone in my head told me to write down something about myself. How about Diary writing? Tried and hopelessly failed.
I have three diaries, each taken up as a new year resolution and not even a single one of them has crossed 10 days of writing. Why does that enthusiasm fade away?

Thinking over, I found the answer. The best time to work on your idea is ‘NOW’. You got a feeling so strong that needs to be done? Do it now. Each second that turns on the clock is eating away you and your ideas. The only thing in life which haunts you till death is regret. Regret that you didn’t do it when the time was right. That’s a feeling that everybody hates but accepts anyway.

A life lived worthwhile, is a life worth remembering. All you have to do is to trust that deep feeling you get sometimes and then do it. The saying, “Think before you leap” sometimes stops us from doing the things we ought to do. We overthink and create the consequences of that idea in a horrifying way. Our mind always plays tricks on us. It is the one which gave the idea and it is the one trying to stop us from doing it.

So, think up that idea, write it down and work on it day and night till you get it done.